Collezzione Storica Colori Zagor - 001


Yeni Üye
22 Tem 2009
Collezzione Storica Colori Zagor - 001 - 004


This is a very special magazine - A 1 the issue of the Collezzione Storica Colori Zagor , with over 250 pages of adventures translated into Portuguese. Her friends will be able to read two classic adventures of our hero (Meeting at Totem Forest and Mystery) now abrilhantadas by beautiful colors. Unfortunately, no publisher in Brazil to give news of the coming of this collection to Brazil, and given the staggering progress of equivalent collection of Tex in our country, I think unlikely that this will happen.

Bring more editions of this beautiful collection is all just a dream for now, we rely on your help to make real. If you have any edition of this collection and can scan, or if you have knowledge on editing with Photoshop and some time available to help us with the translations, or if you can only contribute financially so that we can import them, please contact us via email gibiteka @ . Dreams that they dream together, come true

Zagor on Colors - 002

Zagor on Colors - 003

Zagor on Colors - 004

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