The Black Coat - A Call to Arms


11 Nis 2009


Writers: Ben Lichius, Adam Cogan
Artist: Francesco Francavilla

The character of The Black Coat controls a series of agents not unlike many pulp-era heroes (The Shadow being perhaps the most familiar reference). Starting out this story is the same preview offered in the earlier Comixpress version of the book, but the additional material following makes this an excellent read. After leaving his semi-atavistic submarine (let's not forget the era's Turtle invention) The Black Coat faces off with a pirate captain named Blithe who is attempting to attack a ship carrying the illustrious Mr. Franklin. The brief encounter is packed with action, with the result being the destruction of the pirate's ship accomplished single-handedly by The Black Coat. Later, The Black Coat is made aware of the death of a woman and the removal of her arms, but what exactly is the conspiracy behind this murder?
